oecta aq subsidy

APPLICATION FOR SUBSIDY FUNDING . Federation Membership Number:

However, should additional funding become available, your application will remain on file to be considered at that time on a first come, first served basis.

endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream Name: OTF Affiliate: AEFO ETFO OSSTF OECTA* * Any application from OECTA members will be forwarded to OECTA for processing and will be subject to OECTA criteria for approval. %%EOF Click on FAQs for more information on the programs and subsidies.

AQ Courses Spring registration is now open! h�b``�c``Jd```��΀

h�b``�e``��������1�. We are passionate about our work and care deeply about the quality of education in this province. ��i�e�DE ;�WM$�2��5���dXj�|��Q�Dى�z�&)>��~��֊P�c�':�,!ZI�!1��Pb�a�Q9'L0 ���!F�)��T���TL�ʥf�h•�“����J� ���BA%((",��]4*m^�q2}]=d��(.��t��f���ĚE[w��D�u�*��Ѵȫ��6�`����\���k�fk�S؋[��c���h|5����.��9]���M�W�^�?�����z�N(�fU��G�jm �n�o���2�Uv�;�?o��f�mU�?빢��s������~�M���e����,�e�֧ٮ���ҝw�[�h���v=��S��˧ 143 0 obj <> endobj

Please note OECTA only accepts payment by VISA or MasterCard credit cards. 295 0 obj <>stream As part of Ontario English Catholic Teachers, we teach in classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in publicly funded English Catholic schools, with almost 45,000 teachers working across the province. Update Now, 37_Blog Content||40_Blog List||96_Blue Text||45_Code Wrapper||42_Comments||87_Custom Button||88_Custom CTA||67_Disqus Comments||91_Event Detail||90_Events Listing||69_HTML||85_Isotope Grid||64_LEAP_Forms||81_Masthead - Plain||98_Member Voting||24_Menu||5_News||93_Partners & Affiliates||94_Partners & Affiliates||99_Payments||100_Public User Login||97_Public User Zone Login||29_Search Box||30_Search Results||86_Static Masthead||7_Text||95_Underline Header. You are not eligible to apply for a subsidy if you completed an AQ/ABQ course or undergraduate prerequisite Math course before April 1st, 2014 (the beginning of this program). The Ministry of Education has initiated a $450 subsidy for all Kindergarten AQ courses. 0


Welcome to IICTI Specialist AQ offered by OECTA!

Math AQ/ABQ Subsidy.

Please note: If you are an OECTA member and applying for a Math AQ/ABQ subsidy, your application must be processed by OECTA. Note that it may be up to eight weeks before you receive your cheque. When teachers successfully complete the course, the subsidy will be applied to Part One, Part Two and/or the Specialist Kindergarten AQs.

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Click here to select the course that fits your needs.

As part of Ontario English Catholic Teachers, we teach in classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in publicly funded English Catholic schools, with almost 45,000 teachers working across the province.We are passionate about our work and care deeply about the quality of education in this province.

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Defined Contribution Plans, Four Steps to Successful Retirement Planning, Reach Every Student, Know Their Story: OECTA Equity and Inclusivity Conference, Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting: Clarification During the School Closure Period, 2019-2020, Parents, teachers concerned as 2 school boards to adopt hybrid classroom model, Schools in Waterloo, Ontario assigned only one nurse for every 2,500 students in the middle of a pandemic, Teachers' unions, experts pan Ontario's back-to-school plan, There's no replacement for having students in schools: Head of catholic teachers' union, Speaking Up for Teachers During a Pandemic. ސX����� ȴ��@G�h�~�S���ҷ ��-��}@=�W۵4|}����d&�RC ���jh�׃�� s��a�9�bameO5繪�+:��}���c�Қ]DYkk��u#�F��9:�7���1 p������Z.8���Bx���wm�Ɨ= ���Qp#��꜡+����&�o���~x��/TӖ�9�׫P� VO���e�M��>Wߐz5*�@}[^���醉Qr4Uġ-t��&�B�v"4�gx��&y�O�B��� S���TX��B?�b|4��mx��n^��7]��/���Wu�ߗ@��{J����z[@Bڢȟ�\��X��T����Ʋ������ś�*�N�#Kz�W�� �׶y ��o"��g�����ĶL��k�ц�R�ؓ�����I�[.�FoB�7�Y"�RH���ijH^Be������h cU�u�pL�c�R���Ֆ�5�I-�>� Y���C?7x��4�kLZ�c2���rjx� Y��D�R�4@�ފ ��9 �ne�O�PҤU��KS�i�BeF�\�R8&��� �+{�nb2���]����k��;5���|��迡E?�����k]� �����޻čf���—�����k .y\PSn�XNAQ�����^_@Q�ɛ:\r�K��Q=D��U~@�F��h��-�,ƛ�h��s�8��-���?`e+���b��)5bE>�g�g�3�i?�C��n߶�+45B}|ߒ�J����0 �H\[�ӓ��d�^KOȔ�:0~�Lr?

Please note: If you are an OECTA member and applying for a Math AQ/ABQ subsidy, your application must be processed by OECTA. You must be an active member of OTF or its Affiliates.

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You are eligible to apply for a Math, Technology (ICT), Kindergarten AQ/ABQ or undergraduate prerequisite Math course subsidy if the course is completed on or after February 1, 2016, regardless of when you registered. %PDF-1.6 %����

Visit the OECTA website (www.oecta.on.ca). Defined Contribution Plans, Four Steps to Successful Retirement Planning, Reach Every Student, Know Their Story: OECTA Equity and Inclusivity Conference, Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting: Clarification During the School Closure Period, 2019-2020, Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Teaching Students with Communication Needs: Autism, Beginning Teachers Preparing for Evaluation, Principal’s Office Calls to Discuss Unknown Issue, Suing a Parent for Defamation of Character.

Bi-weekly updates on the progress of local bargaining in OECTA units across the province.

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Register with your email and membership number to stay up to date on the latest bargaining information. Please contact your school board – you should be subsidized through application to the board.

Advice on Ethics and Professional Conduct, Assistance with Employment Insurance Appeals, Ontario Teachers’Pension Plan Advocacy on a wide range of Political, Educational, and Employment issues at the School Board, Provincial, Catholic Community, and Federal Government Level Advocacy for Catholic Education, Updates Available: Updates Available: Update available for Picture Gallery Module Register Now.

Name: OTF Affiliate: AEFO ETFO OSSTF OECTA* * Any application from OECTA members will be forwarded to OECTA for processing and will be subject to OECTA criteria for approval. '������€�ୡ�˝�n�'����?�{�6�t/8y}�)_3ޟ���$y�F������F� �����3�G� Y! Access your local collective agreement and the 2015 Provincial Memorandum of Settlement. OECTA is currently accredited to offer all of these courses in both a face-to-face and an online format.

Mathematics, Primary and Junior – Specialist, Any undergraduate mathematics course that is prerequisite to the AQ/ABQ courses listed above, Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part 1, Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part 2, Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Specialist.

Collective Bargaining and Contract Management, Member Counselling and Legal Support Services, Professional Development and Leadership Training, Participant Requirements and Responsibilities, Staff Officers: Bargaining and Contract Services Department, Staff Officer: Government Relations Department, Computers, Technology and Online Learning, COVID-19 and Retrieval of Personal Belongings, Catholic Education and Curriculum Committee, Defined Benefit vs.

Find responses to the frequently asked questions about our AQ courses.

h�ėmo�6ǿ A $450 math subsidy is available for Math AQs and a $150 fee offset is available for Instructional AQ Specialist Courses.

You are not eligible to apply for a subsidy if you registered for and completed your course between May 1st, 2015 and January 31st, 2016. endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>/Metadata 2 0 R/Pages 66 0 R/StructTreeRoot 6 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 70 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 66 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 71 0 obj <>stream Collective Bargaining and Contract Management, Member Counselling and Legal Support Services, Professional Development and Leadership Training, Participant Requirements and Responsibilities, Staff Officers: Bargaining and Contract Services Department, Staff Officer: Government Relations Department, Computers, Technology and Online Learning, COVID-19 and Retrieval of Personal Belongings, Catholic Education and Curriculum Committee, Defined Benefit vs. To qualify for a subsidy, OTF will need to receive from you: • proof that the Math course is a prerequisite for an AQ or ABQ; • proof of membership in an Ontario teachers’ federation (AEFO, ETFO, OSSTF or OECTA) (please use your Federation membership ID #); You Must: 1. send this application for subsidy to the Unit office a MINIMUM OF TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE PROFESSIONAL OECTA AQ modules let you take a course one module (or section) ... For example, it is argued that a universal basic income scheme might effectively serve as a subsidy for low- wage employers.

This video is unavailable. This funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning in April 2014.

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We offer more than 45 courses in 19 subject areas.

AQ Courses. Bi-weekly updates on the progress of local bargaining in OECTA units across the province.

���mtkWYY�ߌ��'���n�v�����R�\�X�����2�b��s c�3�g�C�j6�{.a�Y�g��m� !� The subsidy also includes: Kindergarten Part 1; Kindergarten Part 2 You may apply for up to three subsidies in any one area: Mathematics, Technology and Kindergarten.

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Some AQ courses continue to be offered in a face-to-face format.

Good News! Telephone 416.966.3424 or 1.800.268.7061 | Fax 416.966.5450


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