windows server health check report script

This section is optional so you can disable it entirely if it is of no value to you.

Great script btw! To see the return types, which are also known as output types, that this cmdlet accepts, see Cmdlet Input and Output Types. The Test-ExchangeServerHealth.ps1 PowerShell script will perform a series of tests against an Exchange Server 2010 or 2013 organization and produce a health report. You can set the thresholds for free RAM and Uptime days alerts as well. Please understand the risks before using it. Is there supposed to be curly braces around the body of the foreach loop around line 65?

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Changed them on those two lines to the other ones. For whatever reason, me deleting the line and retyping it fixed it. Only two drive information is configured with attached script.Modification is required for adding few more drives based on requirements. It includes a section for the Dell hardware check.

While editing, look at lines 242 and 244. Edit: nevermind my coment aswell :), are you running with admin rights? These scripts provide a report in HTML format of the server average CPU and Memory utilization along with Disk space utilization, Paging Size, Performance counter, Event Log and Task Scheduler status.You have to execute file Server-Health-Report.ps1 and it will give HTML report. For example: The MinimumOnlinePercent parameter specifies the number of members in the group to be functioning with rollup information Degraded instead of Unhealthy. Thanks for the work! It works best when set as a scheduled task, that way you can have a daily / weekly or monthly system health check email to … We are retiring the TechNet Gallery. I could use some help so that I can cut the time down. If you try it and find that it works on another platform, please add a note to the script discussion to let others know. Thanks Zach and Jamie for pointing that out. The report shows drive, RAM, and CPU count and % of average load, as well as uptime for a list of servers fed … The HealthSet parameter filters the results by the specified health set. Really it reduce my half work, but my requirement is I just want to print only warning and critical, if any of server is not reachable it should print the server not reachable in the same html output. You can always find the most current script by going to Essentially it seems that the word templates are unable to open when the script is ran via the task scheduler.

You don't need to specify a value with this switch. The report shows drive, RAM, and CPU count and % of average load, as well as uptime for a list of servers fed to it in a .csv file. Although this topic lists all parameters for the cmdlet, you may not have access to some parameters if they're not included in the permissions assigned to you. The one issue I'm running into is on line 238 and 240, it seems to have an issue with "{0:N2}". Creating your account only takes a few minutes. This script is tested on these platforms by the author. Have you looked at the articles already written on this topic? Removing old Windows Updates - Windows Installer D... iOS 10 - How to undelete/restore/recover standard ... Optus - Sagemcom F@ST 3864 modem/router - admin us... Get Computer Serial Number & HP Product Number usi... Find and Change Read Only Files using Powershell, A report of all services with a start mode of "Automatic" but are not in a "running" state, Any events in the windows Application log from the past 24 hours that are not categorized as "informational", Any events in the windows System log from the past 24 hours that are not categorized as "informational", A size report of all logical disks in the server showing size, and free space in GB and as a percentage, The start-sleep command is used at the start of the script to delay the script running for 300 seconds (5 minutes). This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. The following list contains the health values that are returned: You need to be assigned permissions before you can run this cmdlet. I had tried copying and pasting over top of it from the script above, but retyping it is what fixed it for some odd reason... Glad you discovered and fixed it. $osprops = get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem, $lastboot = $osprops.ConvertToDateTime($osprops.LastBootUpTime), $logfile = "c:\" + "Admin\" + "ServerHealthChecks\" + $FullDate.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + "-" + "$Target" + ".html", $html += "Server Health Check - $Target", $html += "

Server Health Check Script - Run by $global:strname

", $html += "

Target Server: $Target

", $html += "

Hostname: $env:computername

", $html += "

Last Boot: $lastboot

", $html += "*******************************************************************************************

", $html += 'Service Report - Services with StartMode "Auto" and State not currently "Running"

', $servicelist = invoke-command -computername $target {, get-wmiobject -class Win32_Service | Where {$_.StartMode -eq "Auto" -and $_.State -ne "Running"} | Select DisplayName, Name, StartMode, State, if ($servicelist){$temphtml = $servicelist | Select DisplayName, Name, StartMode, State | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment, ForEach ($line in $temphtml){$html += "$Line"} }, ELSE {write-host "All automatic services are running";$html += "All automatic services are running

"}, $html += "


", write-host "Querying Application Log on $Target", $appeventlog = invoke-command -computername $target {, get-eventlog -logname "Application" -after $targetdate | where-object {$_.entrytype -ne "Information" -and $_.Source -ne "Print" -and $_.Source -ne "TermServDevices"}, if ($appeventlog){#write-host $AppEventLog, $html += "Application Log Non-Information Events (Last 24 Hours)

", $temphtml = $appeventlog |  Select TimeGenerated, EntryType, Source, Message | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment, foreach ($line in $temphtml){$html += "$line"}, ELSE {$html += "No non-informational events found in application log in past 24 hours

"}, $html += "


", write-host "Querying System Log on $Target", $syseventlog = invoke-command -computername $Target {, get-eventlog -logname "System" -after $targetdate | where-object {$_.entrytype -ne "Information" -and $_.source -ne "Print" -and $_.source -ne "TermServDevices"}, if ($syseventlog){#write-host $syseventlog, $html += "System Log Non-Information Events (Last 24 Hours)

", $temphtml = $syseventlog | Select TimeGenerated, EntryType, Source, Message | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment, ForEach ($line in $temphtml){$html += "$Line"}, else {$html += "No non-informational events found in system log in past 24 hours

"}, write-host "Getting logical disk information", $diskreport = invoke-command -computername $target {, Get-WmiObject Win32_logicaldisk | Select DeviceID, MediaType, VolumeName, `, @{Name="Size(GB)";Expression={[decimal]("{0:N0}" -f($_.size/1gb))}}, `, @{Name="Free Space(GB)";Expression={[decimal]("{0:N0}" -f($_.freespace/1gb))}}, `, @{Name="Free (%)";Expression={"{0,6:P0}" -f(($_.freespace/1gb) / ($_.size/1gb))}} `, $temphtml = $DiskReport | Select DeviceID, VolumeName, "Size(GB)", "Free Space(GB)", "Free (%)" | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment, $lineindex = [array]::IndexOf($temphtml, $line), if ($templine -le 20 -and $templine -ge 10){$temphtml[$lineindex] = $temphtml[$lineindex].Replace("",'')}. Windows Server General Forum https: ... giving you reports that will state the areas that needs attention based on their own best practice. Webster has a long history in the IT industry beginning with mainframes in 1977, PCs and application development in 1986, and network engineering in 2001. Subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to receive updates. The default value is 12. This script has not been checked by Spiceworks. 10/05/2017; 5 minutes to read +1; In this article. This will help you recognize, report on and ultimately fix any issues related to your AD environment. This PowerShell script produces a health statistics report for various server items. if ($templine -lt 10 ){$temphtml[$lineindex] = $temphtml[$lineindex].Replace("",''); $smtpclient = new-object, $mailmessage = New-Object, $mailmessage.from = (""), $mailmessage.To.add(""), $mailmessage.Subject = “Server Health Check Alert - Disk Space Low - $target", $mailmessage.Body = "Low disk space found on $target -  $temphtml", $cpudata = get-wmiobject win32_processor -computername $target | measure-object -property LoadPercentage -average | select Average, if ($cpuusage -ge 80 -and $cpuusage -le 90){$html += '' + "Average CPU Load: $cpuusage%" + ''}, elseif ($cpuusage -gt 90){$html += '' + "Average CPU Load: $cpuusage%" + ''}, elseif ($cpuusage -lt 80){$html += '' + "Average CPU Load: $cpuusage%" + ''}, $memdata = get-wmiobject win32_operatingsystem -computername $target | select FreePhysicalMemory, FreeVirtualMemory, TotalVirtualMemorySize, TotalVisibleMemorySize, $freephysicalmem = $($memdata.freephysicalmemory), $freevirtualmem = $($memdata.freevirtualmemory), $totalvirtualmem = $($memdata.totalvirtualmemorysize), $totalvisiblemem = $($memdata.totalvisiblememorysize), $memusage = ($totalvisiblemem - $freephysicalmem) / $totalvisiblemem * 100, $freemem = $freephysicalmem / $totalvisiblemem * 100, if ($freemem -lt 10){$html += '' + "Free Memory (%): $freemem" + ''}, elseif ($freemem -gt 10 -and $freemem -le 20){$html += '' + "Free Memory (%): $freemem" + ''}, elseif ($freemem -gt 20){$html += '' + "Free Memory (%): $freemem" + ''}, $mailmessage.Subject = “Server Health Check Results - $target", $mailmessage.Body = "Server Health Check Results for $target", Peter Morrissey's Technology & Scripting Blog.


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