Already great s&s with a great general design, a nice skin and a genius stance. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Definitely one of my favorite types of weapons in the game. We almost had a Halberd but then they went and made it doubled-ended thing.
This effect cannot occur more than once every 5 minutes. Real outdated, I don't play anymore.
Maybe do a silva and aegis buff such as up it's attack speed or even the status chance. Final Harbinger is probably the best love letter DE has ever given to any single weapon, let alone an entire weapon type, in the game. I love the way they work in game but there feels like there is something missing with them to make the other sword and shield More viable. Meanwhile Eleventh Storm's combos look really awesome, but are not NEARLY as powerful as those of Final Harbinger.
I gotta remember to revisit this with Silva n Aegis P. I definitely had no problems with damage by that point, I was still one shotting everything and it only seemed to keep getting easier as the combo counter climbed.
I main the Silva and aegis prime myself and tear enemies apart. Especially Silva n Aegis Prime, its pretty incredible. Well if you're not into maxing out range and spinning all over the place like a whirligig, the sword and shield weapons are probably some of the absolute best in the game.
even though its outdated, its true what it has right now. If I wasn't using my zaw polearm that's my weapon of choice. (XB1)NeoLegendDrake, March 7, 2018 in Weapons.
Spear and Shield would be amazing to have, just an actual Spear would be a nice addition as well. Thx for the help! Thanks to everyone on the Reddit and Official Warframe forums who posted any information about stance mods. Thanks to everyone on the Reddit and Official Warframe forums who posted any information about stance mods. TWW update brought a lot of fun content. EDIT: First stage being the part where you see the three different partis popping up out of the ground. Yea, I think it would be pretty neat too, its got my vote for new weapon type, or an addition to sword and shield with a new stance to accommodate.
Any and all information would be appreciated. Final Harbinger is amazingly powerful, but all its combos are as ugly and silly as can be. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. I dont realy understand what are you complaining about. Agreed. Any thoughts? Also, why not more variations?
I just got the Silva & Aegis, plus the Endura rapier. :P If you can show a real need, though, I'm sure someone will look at it. Maybe add dual wielding for secondaries and shields in your off hand.
This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. I've gotten pretty good at chaining any combo I wish one right after another repeatedly. 8 Sword And Shield
123. By © Valve Corporation. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
Inside the barrier nothing takes damage from projectile or hitscan attacks. I'm not really sure where there is room to improve them at the moment. In your melee weapons, there is now a seventh mod slot - the stance mod slot.
Especially any advice for good farming locations as I'm pretty sure we'd all like to know that. Lephantis, first stage. would bridge that gap nicely. It's super fun and it's damage is great. They don't seem to be at the point where it gets all iffy cuz you're moving too fast. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. On 2018-03-13 at 8:55 PM, MirageKnight said: Show the sword and shield weapons some love. Who drops what, what fits on which weapon, and where to farm. Any ideas in which planet survival, defence or excavation that I might find them in? Hey I'm not saying they are bad weapons. I would like to see DE show some love to the sword and shields. :P. Oh and above, I did go and start my endless mission but I had to get up from the computer at the 45 minute mark. Now the only place i havent finished is the Kuva Fortress, but I am hesitant to try and go fins them there. Stance Final Harbinger slightly edges out Eleventh Storm. It is only visible to you. Not everything has to do ungodly damage to be good. Mobile Defence excellent if you don’t want to be stuck in a … S/A is too low tier (currently, melee re-balance may change that), Ack/Brunt is pretty good crit-wise but the lack of status hurts scalability, S/A Prime is very, very good but somewhat hard to get, and Sigma/Octanis is IMO the best overall shield/sword, especially when rivens are counted in. 2) (PLEASE) Greatsword & Greatshield, they reduce your movement speed while mainhanded (like a Hobbled Key effect) and perform slow but strong attacks with high range and a 95% block (with a bash as alt fire). Of course thanks to DE for this fine game. "Iron Phoenix - Grineer - Lancer, Frontier Lancer, Arid Lancer, Hellion, Frontier Hellion, Heavy Gunner. Warframe > General Discussion > Topic Details. Each of the three has a chance to drop it. They added dual wielding for single secondaries and thrown melee right? Thanks to the people who uploaded images of the mods onto the Warframe wiki. I have no thoughts, whatsoever, on skins and tennogens. While blocking every shot has 50% chance to be reflected back at the attacker without damaging you, Ground strikes create a barrier of energy for 5 second. I'm not sure how I could show a need for it, personally, cuz they're just kinda awesome as is, imo. If you're trying to say you want more swords and shields in the game you definitely got my vote. I might just do a run tonight to test it but I'm pretty certain I can run all the way up to level 150 enemies super easy without having any sort of drop off or slowing down. But I just realized that I have never come across their specific stance mods. If you want to use your sword and shield to hide from enemies in a game where you just mow them down, just build it with with blocking mods (Guardian Derision, Reflection, Reflex Guard, Electromagnetic Shielding, Avenging Truth, etc.) :). If you can show a need in game for it outside of just wanting it I'm sure someone would at least look at it and entertain the idea. Tbh i almost 100% agree but there are warframe buffs to make swords/shields op and mods. I would like to see more unique mods made especially for sword and shield weapons. Farming Locations Most Tenno know the best place to farm mods is either Defence or Survival missions depending on your tastes. Especially the fastest ones. Got a really neat gimmick too. That said, the high range on Scythes alongside their stances make this weapon archetype equally fun and devastating to wield. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America).
I like the whole spear and shield idea. They can just slap a shield next to every polearm out there and I'd be happy, throw some on those whips too :P. Spear and THAT I can get behind. -90% time to make a charge attack, charge attacks deal only x1.5 damage, charge attacks push the player towards where they aim covering 10m range and damaging everything in range. Final Harbinger should be a gold stance, but I wouldn't object to another stance...IF it was the same quality. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.
Something like a kite shield and a hand and a half long sword type skin. I'll set my goal to leave on the first death, we'll see how far it can carry me. Or, introduce the 50 day counter already. meh, just pop on a squishy frame with Hunter Adrenaline and enjoy your ability spam as you tank energy back. In the slot, you can only put stance mods into it. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Also, fyi, Eleventh Storm has a shieldbash, but it's the LAST hit on its lengthiest combo (with a really bad hitbox to boot). Or, make the Swords & Shields class able to block 90% of incoming damage, instead of the 85% it shares right now alongside the Hammers, Heavy Blades, Machetes, Polearms, and Scythes. It is so much fun with final harbinger, and it does a decent job! At least thats my perspective on it :P It is very very satisfying. Something that bothers me with the swords and shields is their stances. The sigma and octantis is an amazingly good weapon. The issue is that there are few good Scythes in Warframe excluding Zaws and the Reaper Prime. and the other stance, which has less mobility and tricks, some shield bashes, etc. This! There could be some combos like a couple sword thrusts while your shield is up, blocking while you're winding up for a powerful attack, and maybe a shield bash that knocks away projectiles and can parry melee attacks. (XB1)Sneak Attack 65, October 16, 2017 in Weapons. Just thought it would be awesome if it could get 100 percent status chance and also at least a 1.0 attack speed. That leaves us with two high-end sword/shield, one of which is currently stuck behind 700 day login reward. Alternate mods Primed Fury can be dropped for Quickening with about 20% DPS loss or Primed Reach for more range.
Final Harbinger is easily one of top three stances in the game, but the problem is the amount of weapons to put it on. Ugh... to get a stance for glaives... Seriously~? Does anyone know how does sparring work? If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Warframe. Final Harbinger is great, but imo we need more technical aspects. You don't need specific warframes to make them OP either they carry their own weight rather effectively.
RELATED: Warframe: 10 Best Game Modes, Ranked. I pick missions over simulacrum because they more accurately portray a weapons viability but it takes about an hour to get to the good stuff /grumble grumble. Please see the. Mobile Defence excellent if you don't want to be stuck in a level for a long time. Also like i said. 1) A sword and shield that works like Dark Split-Sword. But as far as the status i only wished they bumped that it would reach 100 with the 4 staid chance mods that was all for that. Make Eleventh Storm even somewhat up to par with Final Harbinger, and I'd be a happy Sword & Shield user :). The second chargeattack could then be some very powerful leap-attack with the weapon, to follow up the shieldbash's knockback. And especially, thanks to everyone posting info and ideas in the comment section. For example, using alt fire to perform bashing moves that stun or knockdown enemies (why not use the shield besides blocking?). Is it still fun? As someone who has used Ack & Brunt a lot, I really would like to see some love for sword and shield melees. Introducing another mid-high tier sword/shield (Corpus themed, anybody?) And also looking for a proper sword and shield skin. I might just be very unimaginative too. All rights reserved. For the heavier mobs you'll need to hang around Defence mission for 10+ waves before they start spawning, and for Survival it's after 10 / 15 minutes. And in order to get it's full potential, you need a stance.
I'd love to be able to shield bash enemies - particularly Grineer, Perhaps DE could implement shield bash for all sword and weapons as an alt attack? I don't know if you need something specific or something. Give Eleventh Storm some good procs and damagemultipliers (while Final Harbinger is about speed and multihits instead, like now), then swap around their oddly inaccurate descriptions, and I think we'd be happy!
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