scottish fold names

You can filter your search by breed and/or gender. Try also to avoid offensive, diminishing names or ones charged with political meaning. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Popular Scottish Fold names by public choice. Good companion for kids games, but if it gets too noisy, may be frightened. Compare with another form of Ilka. As their name suggests, these cats originated in Scotland, specifically in the Tayside region. } catch(e) {}, try { All Scottish Folds have one great ancestor from Scotland. Best Scottish fold cat names. Often people choose names because they belong to characters, games, books, movies, singers, etc. On the Scottish Fold front, cat owners seem to go for these top 3 names: Female: Maggie, Lucy, or Molly. Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold (Eng. Legs of medium length, strong, elegant with round paws. Cats of this breed are very good and are attached to the host. In the US, where the first representatives of the breed were imported in 1970, by contrast, Scottish Fold cats derive specifically in order to preserve the original structure of their ears. PS – If it’s female Scottish names you’re after you’ll find that list here. At PetPress we love our pets of all shapes and sizes. At the age of three to four weeks of their ears fall or remain straight. Scottish boy names that we have covered come as a welcome change from the ordinary. They need to get acquainted with the place and smell and make sure they are in no danger. Basically, pop culture is a big inspiration pool for many popular cat names. The first cat of this breed were bred in Scotland in 1961. Worry not; you will not be in a rut when it comes to cat names. All Rights Reserved. They are good-natured, calm appearance. Your Scottish Fold should be with you for a long time to come and trigger some special feelings. You may also rate the cat names that you like dislike most. 309 Refreshing Scottish Boy Names With Meanings They are not afraid and get along well with other animals. If you’re looking for a name originating in Scotland, look no further.

While they are very affectionate and like just to sit with you, they also are energetic. Legs should not be gross or beveled fingers. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Here are they: Blaire.

Scottish Fold kittens When purchasing please attention to the flexibility of the tail and paws. © 2020 PetPress. More in-depth research on the breed you love can reveal stories that might inspire a name for yours. The first best name is Blaire. – Standards & Colors, Do Cats Have Ankles? Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Despite all these general qualities, all cats are not the same even if they belong to the same breed and share some common traits. That goes for both the family and home space. Males of this species are much larger cats, sometimes reach a weight of 6-10 kg.

ILKA: Scottish name meaning "of the same class." Scottish Fold vs Scottish Fold Munchkins – Differences and Similarities, A habit you observe on them (e.g. The coat is short, dense, ductile, very soft to the touch, elastic, close to the body. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Scottish Fold has a balanced character, a great attachment to the house and the person is unpretentious. You can literally find anything you like out there. She gave birth to a litter of kittens passing on the ear gene. If you have moments in time that struck a chord with you or people that made an impact on you, use them. Scottish Folds are balanced cats with awesome personalities.

Some cats have one slight fold, while others have 3-fold ears so tight near their heads that they look earless. Finally, to give you a hand with your name search, try this extensive list offered by PetMD. May be a, or from the Gaelic for 'oak tree ford'. People don’t always try to find unique or original names. American breeding program and the breed standard designed not only to achieve the maximum expression of breed characteristics (in standard layout point to “ears” for 25-30 points out of one hundred), but also in order to avoid the harmful effects of mutations. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Flower inspired: Rose, Iris, Daisy, Poppy, Lyly, Belle, Tulip, Willow, Buttercup, Violet. Scottish cat of medium size with rounded, well filled body. What breeds? Behavior Advice, Latest Products, Toys, Food, and Cute Pics! _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); In fact, these cats can be traced all the way back to one singular cat who went by the name Susie. The Scottish Fold is a breed of domestic cat with a natural dominant-gene mutation that affects cartilage throughout the body, causing the ears to "fold", bending forward and down towards the front of the head, which gives the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearance.

This is one good reason to have patience and keep an eye on them. #2 Exotic Shorthair Medium, Lovely, Sweet. Color according to the color. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. 5000+ Best Scottish Fold Cat Names 419+ Northern British Longhair And Shorthair Cat Club The objectives & aims of the club (a)to safeguard the wellbeing of the british shorthair and […] Fold in the East were known centuries ago. If not, try browsing some of the other cat name posts like my lists of Disney inspired cat names , Asian cat names , Marvel cat names , and loads more. Naming your cat is a personal thing and it is n ... © 2017 Cat's names. Expo are only good with cats lying ears, so get these kittens – the dream of every breeder.

Keep in mind that the name should reflect your cat as well, not only your own likings. Please consult Amazon and Google for their privacy policy. Valued individuals with a movable tail, as this breed may be changes in the joints. In relation to the names of the Scottish fold cat, there are five best names that you can know. You can Google it, check baby name books, or ask around for ideas. March 30, 2020, 8:47 pm. With large, round, wide-set eyes. var _g1; If not, try browsing some of the other cat name posts like my lists of Disney inspired cat names, Asian cat names, Marvel cat names, and loads more. Used for many hundreds of years as both surname and first name. Scottish boy names that we have covered come as a welcome change from the ordinary. Food inspired: Jellybean, Olive, Coconut, Cookie, Oreo, Biscuit, Taco, Waffles, Peach, Muffin, Potato.


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