rpg stat formulas

Try coming up with a few examples and think what information that computer is going to need. (Both of these buffs are actually the same strength, and will cancel each-other out, because att and def have different exponents in the damage formula. The combat game presented in the How To Make an RPG book keeps the number of stats minimal, so the combat simulation is clear and easy to understand. Enemy stats are likely to be something like 300 att, 65 def, and (350 x partymembers) HP.

The Get function gets a base stat with all modifications applied. We're going to add support for modifiers to the stat class but not just yet. The game doesn't give you any stats about these two weapons, but an attack power stat exists, it's just hidden. Therefore they exist at a higher level of abstraction than the stat class we've made (we don't have weapons, or a notion of equipping them etc). Stats without the simulation aren't very useful. There are now two add modifiers each adding +5 which combined with the base 10 gives a total of 20 strength. We might need to decide who attacks first in combat, then we need to know who is fastest and therefore we need a speed stat. The class currently has one function, GetBase, if you pass in a stat's id, it will return the current value. This is down to preference, the only key rule is that they must be applied as sets, otherwise the order each modifier is evaluated changes the bonuses which would be very unclear to the player. Games simulate alternate realities modeled on our own. What about effects like elemental attacks like fire? I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. One commonly used formula is the Sum formula: cost = (level*(level+1))/2, where if level is 3 cost is 1+2+3 etc. ← What Is the Lock and Key Design Pattern? Wizardry is a western style RPG and they use more stats. Those comparisons indicate an excellent place to introduce two stats to describe that difference. Physical and magical stats should be about equal. Players don't need to gain defense from level ups at all. Do I have enough magical energy to teleport my party? Parameters. In order to apply and remove modifiers, we added two new functions AddModifier and RemoveModifier. Derived stats, on the other hand, are built up from multiple smaller parts. Let's extend the code so we can apply modifiers. Modifiers are combined together using a simple loop. Again we add them and get -0.4, which means stats are reduced by 40% rather than 50%.

Luck stats that effect loot, dodging and critical hits are a favorite to keep as a hidden stat. The AddModifier function takes in two parameters an id, to uniquely identify the modifier being added and the modifier table itself that describes the types of modification to be applied. In JRPGs stats are used exclusively to simulate combat.

Derived stats are some function that combines multiple stats together in some manner to be used by the simulation. For base weapons and armor I'd try to keep it no more than 5. The default strength value is 10 and because we have no modifiers both the base and total str value are printed out as 10.

In RPGs, the player character's stats can be increased to benefit the player. Attack power is similar to character strength; they both determine the amount of damage inflicted. The stats and simulation together help us answer questions important for an RPG, such as: The combat simulation and stats aren't modeled closely on reality because that tends to be quite limiting; Dragons aren't real, rabbits rarely carry gold coins and combatants rarely trade blows in an orderly turn-based manner but games are often better with these features. Computer games need a higher level of abstraction to make things simpler. (There may be certain cases where a clashing id is desirable. The stat class allows multiple modifiers such as spells and equipment to be tracked easily and applied in a general scalable way. Which is great! As before all the add modifiers are applied first giving 20. Base stats represent one pure aspect of an … Let's run through some quick examples to show it working: Here we've created a new stats object with some default values, then we've added a function that prints out a stat with it's id, base value and total modified value.

If it is, that's fine, add the stat. There's an additional empty table called mModifiers that handles how stats change during combat. If you didn't copy the stats and created a few classes with same stat table, when you reduced the hp in one object, you'd reduce the hp in all the objects! When deciding on the number of stats the most important question to ask is. Equipping an additional item in the form of the magic sword increases the str even more. The calculation might look like this. Everything is working as expected.

© Valve Corporation. At very high stat values you might find that it grows faster than other skills, but maybe not depending on your characters' stats. Then the final decision we have to take is when each of these modifiers types should be applied. This is because these stats are commonly depleted during combat. The composite formula seems... probably fine? The green bar next to the hearts represents Link's current MP. Why not just multiply by 0.5 instead? I was giving some thought to making a simple RPG; ideally an old-school JRPG for all intents and purposes. Too few stats and the combat might be dull and predictable, too many and it may be difficult for a player to understand how the stats influence it. In combat a player might receive a lot of damage, this would reduce his hp_now stat, if he drank a potion is would restore his hp_now stat, but never above the hp_max value. He's always like this too. In more traditional JRPGs there are multiple weapons to choose from and they have different stats, with different trade-offs, making for an interesting choice. Each formula links to a web page that explains how to use the formula. A table of names and values is a great starting point but for use in a combat simulation we need to add more functionality. Hiding stats from players is a good idea if showing them doesn't add much to the game. PC games like Wizardry use large amounts stats as can be seen in the screenshot below.
The screenshot below shows that Link's HP stat; the line of hearts, near the bottom of the screen represents the HP. A moderate defense buff might give 50% bonus defense. Halving a value is as simple as multiplying it by -0.5 and then subtracting that from the original value. This is first pass, it's messy, rough and I want to improve it through feedback!

In this case the calculation is simple and intuitive but in a finished game it's likely to be more complicated.
A post-apocalypse game could have stats to represent hunger or radiation level. The multiplier modifiers have their values summed and are applied after the add modifiers. Developing the math behind the combat systems and the level systems is going to be a bit tricky, and I'm wondering if there are any good sources, guides, tutorials, or other materials that give some good guidance as to how a solid RPG system can be created. I wrote this article while mulling over the combat section; it discusses stats in JRPG games. You don't need to know the weapon stats. At this stage, some of the other components are still unclear - how does regeneration of HP or MP work? They should probably gain all their defense from equipment. Stats are part of that abstraction. So when the player gets their second party member, enemies from that dungeon onward will have twice as much HP as before. Statistics Formulas. Attack rate is similar to speed they both determine how often an attack can take place. We're coming to that, but basically it helps us stack multiple modifiers. In JRPGs we want to be able to simulate a fight between a cheetah and a man blow by blow without modeling all their individual atoms. Here are some examples of modifiers: Without careful planning these types of modification can quickly give rise to a to a heap of special cases and spaghetti code. A stone giant and a dragon are fighting, imagine how the battle would play out. The modifier table may have add and mult tables but these are both optional and if they don't exist an empty table is used. There are two types of modifier, modifiers of addition and modifiers of multiplication. You should research lots of pen and paper RPG's. The curse spell halves all stats, again we're only concerned about strength. Buffs and debuffs should be multipliers for stats, not additions.

Now we have a definition of what a stat is, we can start on an implementation. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Determining Chance of Preemptive Strike or Surprise. Making each stat equally useful is something you can only really perfectly balance by testing your game.

In this example situation, player attacks would do about 300 damage and enemy attacks would do about 150 damage. These are all important in combat and are described using stats. How do we decide who wins in a battle between a dragon and a giant squid? Basic arithmetic skill and intermediate algebra are recommended. ). (I think the default is actually 20 - at least that's what it is in my current project, though I might have changed it and forgotten), Do u know if its possible to change the amount of steps (25) that the game counts on the map, to the HRG?? Stats that seem to have a similar effect combine in the combat simulation, according to a formula, to get a single, final number, we'll called a derived stat. Let's reformulate the examples using addition and multiplication. All Rights Reserved, -- id = used to uniquely identify the modifier, -- add = { table of stat increments }, -- mult = { table of stat multipliers }.

This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. We've listed the stats a character might have but characters aren't the only game entities involved in combat - what about weapons, armor, spells and enchantments? i would like it to be faster, fewer steps. At the most simple level a stat are a name associated with a number. Around the time the player reaches the third dungeon, I'd expect the heroes and enemies both to have about twice as much attack and defense, and about 75% more HP, compared to the first dungeon. RPGs are complicated and base stats are commonly modified. The thing we have right now is that characters don't increase in stats passively by level up, instead we give stats through quest completion (choices may affect which stats are gained), consumables scattered around dungeons and through upgrades on equipment. If each id was "ring_str_plus_one" then the modifiers would overwrite each other. Stats define game entities in the world. An attribute is a piece of data (a "statistic") that describes to what extent a fictional character in a role-playing game possesses a specific natural, in-born characteristic common to all characters in the game.

Dang LockeZ you are good at this formula stuff. 05: - Updated the custom level formula to have the formulas 'b', 'r', and 'f' to be able to use the formulas from FlyingDream's calculator. Derived Stats. When simulating combat we might want to know the total attack power of a character, this would be a derived stat. A magic sword that +5 to the player's strength, A curse that reduces str, spd and int by 5, The character becomes enraged doubling his strength and halving his intelligence. This is just an example though. Well, if stats only go up by completing quests, you might consider making certain quests improve certain stats as a method for players to tailor their characters. This would mean that player stats are likely to be something like 400 att, 100 def, and 500 HP. Please see the. Now to add some percentage increases.


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