nazis and first nations
In January 1933, Hitler was appointed German chancellor and his Nazi government soon came to control every aspect of German life. In effect, this gave Hitler dictatorial powers. Hitler joined the party the year it was founded and became its leader in 1921.

[70] Public executions continued well beyond September, including in municipalities such as Wieruszów County,[71] Gmina Besko,[62] Gmina Gidle,[72] Gmina Klecko,[68] Gmina Ryczywół,[73] and Gmina Siennica, among others. The establishment of this type of district was subsequently carried out for any further territorial annexations of Germany both before and during World War II. Anton Drexler drafted a letter to Hitler in 1940—which was never sent—that contradicts Hitler's later claim: No one knows better than you yourself, my Führer, that you were never the seventh member of the party, but at best the seventh member of the committee... And a few years ago I had to complain to a party office that your first proper membership card of the DAP, bearing the signatures of Schüssler and myself, was falsified, with the number 555 being erased and number 7 entered. The Wehrmacht Reserves also saw a high number of senior Nazis enlisting, with Reinhard Heydrich and Fritz Todt joining the Luftwaffe, as well as Karl Hanke who served in the army. However, while Hitler and Eckart were on a fundraising trip to Berlin in June 1921, a mutiny broke out within the party in Munich. The music had been looked at before, but she took it as a serious cultural expression and something that was worth studying musically.”. [143] In the Wartheland, regional leader Arthur Greiser, with the encouragement of Reinhard Heydrich and Martin Bormann, launched a severe attack on the Catholic Church. By now the SA had 400,000 members and its running street battles with the SPD and Communist paramilitaries (who also fought each other) reduced some German cities to combat zones. The organisation was limited only to so-called "Imperial Germans" (citizens of the German Empire); and "Ethnic Germans" (Volksdeutsche), who did not hold German citizenship were not permitted to join. The term is approximately equivalent to the English shire. Simple re-namings of existing Gaue without territorial changes is marked with the initials RN in the column "later became". Adolf Hitler, the party's leader since 1921, was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg on 30 January 1933. At the top of the Nazi Party was the party chairman ("Der Führer"), who held absolute power and full command over the party. [58], Hitler quickly became the party's most active orator, appearing in public as a speaker 31 times within the first year after his self-discovery.

The irregular Swiss branch of the Nazi Party also established a number of Party Gaue in that country, most of them named after their regional capitals. In 1926, the party formed a special division to engage the student population, known as the National Socialist German Students' League (NSDStB). However, he also accused international capitalism of being a Jewish-dominated movement and denounced capitalists for war profiteering in World War I.

Hitler and his associates were given very lenient prison sentences. After Germany’s defeat in World War II (1939-45), the Nazi Party was outlawed and many of its top officials were convicted of war crimes related to the murder of some 6 million European Jews during the Holocaust. State elections produced similar results. 7% belonged to the upper class, another 7% were peasants, 35% were industrial workers and 51% were what can be described as middle class. [112] This did not mean the old style Germanization of the inhabitants – by teaching them the language and culture – but rather, the flooding of the Reichsgau with assumed pure Germans aided only by the fraction of those living there previously, most of whom were not ethnically German. [84] Members of Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls were assigned the task of overseeing evictions to ensure that the Poles left behind most of their belongings for the use of the settlers. Roosevelt’s effort to present the war effort as part of a broader international mission — mustering support from over 30 nations from Brazil to China — helped to assuage the anxieties of the American public, which was skeptical about entering into an unsavory foreign alliance with the world’s old colonial powers. Its precursor, the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920.

Nazi power over Germany remained virtual, not absolute.

Thereafter, the term spread into other languages and eventually was brought back to Germany after World War II. By the time Hitler committed suicide in April 1945, some 6 million Jews had died. In early 1942, at the Wannsee Conference near Berlin, the Nazi Party decided on the last phase of what it called the “Final Solution” of the “Jewish problem” and spelled out plans for the systematic murder of all European Jews in the Holocaust. [65] Hitler announced he would rejoin on condition that he would replace Drexler as party chairman, and that the party headquarters would remain in Munich. [48] Through these points he gave the organisation a much bolder stratagem[46] with a clear foreign policy (abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, a Greater Germany, Eastern expansion and exclusion of Jews from citizenship) and among his specific points were: confiscation of war profits, abolition of unearned incomes, the State to share profits of land and land for national needs to be taken away without compensation. [144] In Poland, he earned the nickname "Kirchen-Jager" (Church-Hunter) for the vehemence of his hostility to the Church.[145]. The Gaue and Reichsgaue (state or province) were further sub-divided into Kreise (counties) headed by a Kreisleiter, which were in turn sub-divided into Zellen (cells) and Blocken (blocks), headed by a Zellenleiter and Blockleiter respectively. [110] Additionally, large numbers of Polish women were routinely captured with the aim of forcing them into serving in German military brothels.

In 1939, the membership total rose to 5.3 million with 81% being male and 19% being female. Early regulations required that all Wehrmacht members be non-political and any Nazi member joining in the 1930s was required to resign from the Nazi Party. The party had a capable propaganda head in Gregor Strasser, who was promoted to national organizational leader in January 1928.
It is estimated that some 5 million Polish citizens went through them while serving the German war economy.

University students, disappointed at being too young to have served in the War of 1914–1918 and attracted by the Nazis' radical rhetoric, also became a strong Nazi constituency. [64] Upon returning to Munich on 11 July, Hitler angrily tendered his resignation. Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism" and anyone considered a part of or aiding so-called "international Jewry". The Nazi Party grew significantly during 1921 and 1922, partly through Hitler's oratorical skills, partly through the SA's appeal to unemployed young men, and partly because there was a backlash against socialist and liberal politics in Bavaria as Germany's economic problems deepened and the weakness of the Weimar regime became apparent. (, Hitler stated: "Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors […] But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. The Nazis interpreted the result as a warning that they must seize power before their moment passed. … These organisations (ie Fascism and social democracy) are not antipodes, they are twins." After the election, hundreds of thousands of new members joined the party for opportunistic reasons, most of them civil servants and white-collar workers. "Poles: Victims of the Nazi Era", United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Norman Davies; Rising '44: the Battle for Warsaw; Vikiing; 2003; pp.

The Germans went so far as to create a buffer zone of villages populated by ethnic Ukrainians friendly to the Germans.

Party members could not be related either directly or indirectly to a so-called "non-Aryan". While Hitler was in prison, he wrote his semi-autobiographical political manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle").

Once Hitler gained control of the government, he directed Nazi Germany’s foreign policy toward undoing the Treaty of Versailles and restoring Germany’s standing in the world.

The party also formed groups in other parts of Germany. [70], Adolf Hitler was released from prison on 20 December 1924. [80] Polish laborers were compelled to work longer hours for lower than the regular symbolic pay of Western Europeans. The establishment of this type of district was subsequently carried out for any further territorial annexations of Germany both before and during World War II. [11], Pseudoscientific racist theories were central to Nazism, expressed in the idea of a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft). Under Beneš decree No. [119] Signs posted in front of those establishments warned: "Entrance forbidden for Poles, Jews, and dogs. The assassination more, In 1933, the year Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany, he named Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), his trusted friend and colleague, to the key post of minister for public enlightenment and propaganda. Through the 1920s, Hitler gave speech after speech in which he stated that unemployment, rampant inflation, hunger and economic stagnation in postwar Germany would continue until there was a total revolution in German life. Between 1939 and 1945, 2,935 members[148] of the Polish clergy (18%[149]) were killed in concentration camps.

The areas of strongest Nazi support were in rural Protestant areas such as Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg, Pomerania and East Prussia. [78][page needed] When asked in an interview in 1934 whether the Nazis were "bourgeois right-wing" as alleged by their opponents, Hitler responded that Nazism was not exclusively for any class and indicated that it favoured neither the left nor the right, but preserved "pure" elements from both "camps" by stating: "From the camp of bourgeois tradition, it takes national resolve, and from the materialism of the Marxist dogma, living, creative Socialism".[79].

For Hitler, the twin goals of the party were always German nationalist expansionism and antisemitism. In addition to Jews, the camp’s prisoners included members of other groups Hitler considered unfit for the new Germany, including artists, intellectuals, Gypsies, the physically and mentally handicapped and homosexuals. [20] The list was printed secretly as the 192-page-book called Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen (Special Prosecution Book–Poland), and composed only of names and birthdates. [100] The ghettos did not correspond to traditional Jewish neighborhoods. After the Anschluss a new type of administrative unit was introduced called a Reichsgau.


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