moms demand action m1 garand

Rove and the RINOs were too terrified of the old media to do it. Why is this misfit fruitcake SOB still in office ? If only they could get a solid majority of the voters to have queasy feelings about guns then they could really clamp-down on the laws. as well as furthering the ban list of imports by name that Bush started. The other National Guard soldiers followed suit. They seem to me to be a bunch of independent actors trying to use this issue to further their own careers. On the fourth day of the protests, the National Guard soldiers — equipped with M1 Garands — fixed their bayonets and drove the student protesters off of the university quad.

All the neighbors were NRA members.

Let’s all start speaking the truth: Barack Hussein Obama is not an American citizen; he was raised by Marxists and Black Liberation Theologists; he’s at the very least a muslim apologist, if not a muslim himself; he has promoted several members of the muslim brotherhood and its front group CAIR to sensitive posts in several intelligence/defense agencies, including the DHS; he has committed fraud and forgery to illegally ascend to the highest office in the land; he’s hellbent on destroying the nation and shredding the Constitution; he purposely caused the deaths of four American in Benghazi; he was highly involved… Read more ». Fair enough John, but most of the worst abuses though that you mention are the work of brainless bureaucrats, not a centralized, coherent movement.

Don’t for a moment think the virus can be forever contained to the gun-prohibitionist states. We could also make armed robbery illegal. If that’s there long game then it’s going to be a real long time. 6 - M1 Garand Operation and Maintenance Guide 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Scope Although the M1 Garand Rifle is no longer actively used by the U.S. Military, Public Law 106-65 (10 USC 4683) allows for the conditional donation by the U.S. Government of .30 Caliber M1 Garand Rifles to eligible organizations for use by He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of… Read more ».

7. Soon, it will be flintlocks, and we all know how dangerous they are. Bully retail establishments into banning the carry of guns in their stores, as a step toward making guns illegitimate in society, as the combination of trial lawyers, legislators, and the old media have done with cigarettes. And we will have reduced armed robberies committed with guns by some amount. While not linked to any specific violent crime other than Kent State, the rifles is 99 % used by rifle clubs and private owners as a piece of history. As long as they remain functional, they are perceived as a threat. gee why not sell guns to dope dealers in New York to protect our inner city. Without debating some of the finer points of the authors article, I do agree: It’s about culture, and not the guns or crime prevention, that MDA is trying to change. Becker is right the best liar wins. Gun Watch, If they could only see what a dystopian society that would be…. All the neighbors were vets.

If anything, I’d argue that he doesn’t go far enough in exposing their long-term multifaceted strategy. As soon as the number of gun owners and/or guns begins to drop, immediately claim credit for any crime reduction, even if the trends started long before your efforts. We don’t. A serious challenge exists in the form of tens of millions of dollars that have been thrown into initiative processes such as the Washington state initiative I-594. At the opening of World War II, every army was using a manual bolt-action rifle.

And the rate of “gun violence” and overall violent crime was cut in half. * VOTING!!!! LOL! God bless the day NOBAMA is just a bad memory. That would cut out the middleman, so to speak. While not optimistic, I’m neither pessimistic. The internet has benefited gun owners more than the central planning Astro-turf Soviet Socialists. Although Chuck can run a bolt action pretty well, he of course loses the race to the semi-auto.

You people need help”, “…sometime in the distant future, the Constitution will have been trashed…”. Which is why we need the rest of you to help as much as possible. I can walk into any Starbucks, Target or Chipoltle in Larimer County or similar part of the country packing a big @$$ 1911 without anyone so much as giving me a second look. The carbine – originally designed as a replacement for officers’ sidearms, fired a different cartridge from the .30-06 fired by the Garand. will wither away. While these rifles remain legal to buy and sell domestically, countries like South Korea are no longer able to resell these rifles to American collectors. Darned if I can tell from the article. No.

Statists will blithely destroy their host and then move on to the next victim, completely unaware of the wake of destruction they leave in their path. Wouldn’t that make sense? He graduated from Boston College, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Arabic Studies. We think we have to obey “policy” and this is just bs. I’ve got to respectfully disagree with you. What is next, the muzzle loader flintlock types? I’d meant to say here that M1 rifles (the Garand) are still available from the CMP. I sort of think in the long run that more varied digital communications will make it harder for dictatorial governments to stay in control. Wont criminals target the homes, where they are sure of a safe working environment? The constant banning will increasingly make shooting a rich man’s pastime considering the cost of labor and taxes here on guns and ammo. This historic rifle was used in one of the most infamous, high-profile school shootings in the 20th century. New Jersey –-(  On August 29, 2013, the Obama administration announced that the government would no longer authorize the re-importation of made US weapons. For the last four days, college students had protested the Nixon Administration’s new Cambodian campaign on the university quad. John Hand: I am for the importation of these rifles. Even worse there are gun owners who are okay/actively support these (except the M1 Garand/M1 Carbine ban cause ‘Merican made) as long it does not affect their AR-15 and 1911. We can be sure that governments will be beneficent along the way, because no western democracy has been overthrown in the last 75 years. The New York State Senate is a good example of this. Having been born, raised and indoctrinated (by the media and culture) in a Authoritarian Liberal City in an Authoritarian Liberal State, I can assure you that Dean’s analysis is 100% spot on. The very muskets that won this country’s revolutionary war could get caught in the gun control dragnet. Haven’t you been paying attention to the last three or four decades, Dean? Is this organization run from inside an insane asylum? Where does it stop? A broken clock is right twice a day. Wrong spot for a reply. About 1994 “gun control” peaked, as did the levels of violent crime. Like the T3E2, the Model 1924 Garand Autoloading Rifle isn’t a true M1 Garand, but its place on this list needs no explanation. However, as I grew older (middle and high school), I became more fearful of guns due to the news-media hype about guns, gun control, “Saturday Night Specials,” portrayal of guns on TV and movies, etc. This is an Orwellian nightmare we’re living in…. * registering to vote They are, in a word, brainless. Another question I have is, if people know that arms are present in certain households. This will probably start to reduce the number of guns used criminally by some amount, however small. 1) Make gun-ownership undesirable to the general public (oh, your one of THOSE type of people) The Liberal Mind With Nancy Pelosi repeatedly telling audiences about hearing voices of deceased women, and Barack Obama regarded by many as dangerously narcissistic, here comes a veteran psychiatrist making the case that the mental-emotional world of leftists is actually tantamount to a mental disorder. In other words wont these voting idiots target themselves? My understanding is that the Guardsmen were equipped with M1 carbines, not M1 Garand rifles.

First they ‘decide’ the AR and AK type rifles are unlawful. Any increase in crime by other means that may result won’t matter. Even though these historic firearms are seldom, if ever, implicated in crimes, this new executive order promises a decrease in gun violence.

I was getting ready to have my tenth birthday when this incident happened but, I was interested in the Vietnam war because my brother was over there. “gun violence” and overall violent crime was cut in half. But I must warn against allowing gun control advocates to frame the argument in a way to include antique rifles in the “military style” category. I remember seeing a picture of a “little hippy chick” putting a flower in the barrel of a Soldier’s M-14. They have to avoid considering any potential benefits gained from gun ownership. You and me both! Subscribe now to get the latest news on guns, gear, gun rights, and personal defense delivered straight to your inbox daily! The majority of the Constitution’s provisions (specifically in the area of limits on government power) have been undermined and disregarded quite thoroughly already. I only heard that statement once.

©2014 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.

On, a discussion about the Moms Demand Action push for a gun ban following an armed robbery of a bank inside of a Kroger store, brought this commonly expressed question ... and surplus M1 Garand/M1 Carbine rifles. Even now, the Free State to which I moved is under invasion by northern liberals. Having migrated from a Authoritarian State to a Free State, I can assure you that they are like a virus. Are they receiving any foreign $ to overthrow our Constitution? However that is no reason to limit the civilian ownership of this weapon.

It’s crazy it isn’t yet. This nonsense ends when confiscators are out manned and out gunned, out thought, and out maneuvered. The gun free utopia is a crackpot fantasy. When the number of legal gun owners is reduced sufficiently, ban the legal ownership of guns, except in extremely restricted circumstances.

They generally go for the more frugal consumers who do not have a lot to spend. How many folks are buying American made AKs because hurr durr made in ‘Merica!? The Statists are like a virus, consuming their host, then moving on to the next victim. Your email address will not be published. the Koreans cannot resell M-1 to Americans. The big Ogayarab and liberals need to be removed from power for sedition ans treason. I’m not arguing that banning imports is right, but it’s technically not unconstitutional. For more than 40 years, Rossiter has diagnosed and treated over 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases, both state and federal, as a forensic psychiatrist retained by numerous public offices, courts and private attorneys.


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