lora range calculator
I’ve glanced at this LoRa stuff a few times but I don’t get what I’m asking about here. The end node receives a time synchronised beacon from the gateway, allowing the gateway to know when the node is listening.

The LoRa Alliance ® is the fastest growing technology alliance. A value closer to +10dB means the received signal is less corrupted. A 2watt VHF will work a bit longer range but it is using 2 watts. Have a look at RFM95. The antenna design for both gateway and end nodes must be optimised for its regional frequency.

NB-Fi Range Calculator – WAVIoT LPWAN You can build your own with a raspberry pi for about €200. A(ll) Battery powered devices. The correct way to answer this question is by looking at the link budget for your transmit/receive arrangement.

Downlink : same as uplink with an additional one : If your country uses the EU863-870 ISM band, than according to the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters document every EU868MHz end device must implement the following default channels: The other 5 frequencies can be freely attributed by the network operator. Raveon’s field tests support these theoretical calculations.

The gateway can respond within the first receive slot or the second receive slot, but not both. A class B device does not support device C functionality. It supports all kinds of FSK, OOK and LoRa. A LoRa device provides several options if you want to improve the reception range of the packets you are sending.

For example, The Things Network implemented the following frequencies: 867.1, 867.3, 867.5, 867.7 and 867.9. It is a way of quantifying the link performance. The stated range is more than 10 km, between 15 to 20 km. Interesting read, but the aliexpress pages for the sx1276 / 1278 modules tested here advertise support for other modulations in addition to “lora”, and data rates from 0.018 to 38.4 kbps, so if I wanted to replicate this person’s range (which is close to the claimed ranges on seller pages) what parameters would I need to set?

Does this require some sort of “license” for proprietary software and/or proprietary hardware? For example in Europe only the bandwidths 125kHz and 250 kHz are used.

It’s a painful way to do a range test.

Using Semtech’s patented LoRa modulation technique SX1276/77/78/79 can achieve a sensitivity of over -148dBm using a low cost crystal and bill of materials. For example : ToA = 530ms => affer sending a message, we have to wait 99x530ms = 52.47s before sending a new message. The high sensitivity combined with the integrated +20dBm power amplifier yields industry leading link budget making it optimal for any application requiring range or robustness. The theoretical calculations show that a 200mW LoRa radio will work about as long-range as a 2watt UHF radio.

A more detailed list of LoRa frequencies used per country can be found at: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequencies-by-country.html, https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequency-plans.html, https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/2003-allochrt.pdf. In addition to Class A receive slots a class C device will listen continuously for responses from the gateway. When a signal is send from a sender it takes a certain amount of time before a receiver receives this signal.

MaríaValentinaVedder wrote a comment on Recycling Waste Computer Heat.

Source : https://youtu.be/cUhAyyzlv2o (whole playlist), Slides : https://www.mobilefish.com/developer/lorawan/lorawan_quickguide_tutorial.html, LPWAN stands for Low Power Wide Area Network and this type of wireless communication is designed for sending small data packages over long distances, operating on a battery, LoRa modulation / radio part -> closed sources.

We put up a few balloons carrying a Microchip RN2483 module, and we have reached multiple gateways between 200 and 300 KM this way ;) There was even a fellow in Switzerland that achieved 300 KM+ from a mountain top with a Yagi-Uda.

The gateways have a much more capable multi channel chip inside. We tend to stick to spreading factor 10 and below, to save power. As mentioned previously in Europe there is a 0.1% and 1.0% duty cycle per day depending on the channel. Even in urban environment, LoRa can reach some km in range.

dBi : refers to the antenna gain with respect to an isotropic antenna, dBd : dBd refers to the antenna gain with respect to a reference dipole antenna, D = Distance between end node and gateway in km, D=0.01 km, Lfs = 32.45 + 20log(0.01) + 20log(868) = 51 dB, D=0.05 km, Lfs = 32.45 + 20log(0.05) + 20log(868) = 65 dB, D=0.10 km, Lfs = 32.45 + 20log(0.10) + 20log(868) = 71 dB, D=0.50 km, Lfs = 32.45 + 20log(0.50) + 20log(868) = 85 dB, D=1.00 km, Lfs = 32.45 + 20log(1.00) + 20log(868) = 91 dB, r+H : minimum end node and gateway height above ground.

Just calculate and imagine how far could NB-Fi deliver your sensor data and how many kilometers you can cover with WAVIoT IoT Devices.

For the best radio signal performance: The gateway antenna must be placed outdoors at a high location (avoiding obstacles in the Fresnel zone).

I’ve glanced at these projects in the past but (obviously) haven’t dug deep enough. Now, we’ve done range tests before.

In addition to Class A receive slots, class B devices opens extra receive slots at scheduled times. Latest versions of SX1272 LoRa calculator. For example in Europe for uplink transmissions 8 different frequencies are used. Changing frequencies makes the system more robust to interferences. The LoRa module takes more time (even in mode 10, which is the fastest mode). Pops wrote a comment on Trash Dove Badge. Hop time is the amount of time needed to change from one frequency to another in which the radio is not transmitting, https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/278192/understanding-the-relationship-between-lora-chips-chirps-symbols-and-bits.

The end node opens two receive slots at t1 and t2 seconds after an uplink transmission.

If SNR is smaller than 0, the received signal operates below the noise floor. After this uplink transmission (tx) the end node will listen for a response from the gateway.


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