lessons from epaphroditus

First we need to consider the TITLES Paul gives to him. The Philippians sent one of their own, a man by the name of Epaphroditus, to assist Paul. How many of you are secretly convinced that your parents had a favorite child growing up, and it wasn’t you? In May we visited with David and Sabra when we were in San Antonio, TX and caught up with. You may never be famous. Paul only calls him a “brother” (Phil. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. If we ever want God to do anything through us, there has to be a death to self. Because he was so vital to the community in Philippi. But this section is vitally important, nevertheless, especially if you are a leader in your church. 4 Life Lessons from Epaphroditus November 19, 2014 Josh Daffern Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! As they were talking one evening Criswell asked the man how he had built his empire. Strengthen what remains and is about to die.”. However, there is a man name, But just like the situation at the stamp club, these were, “Paddy there is something wrong here. by H. L. Jones. In reality, we’re more like Epaphroditus.

Sit next to senior adults. No matter how much homeopathic medicine he took – No matter the skill of the surgeon or physician – It was the Lord who healed him. He is the coordinator of several meetings and has held some rather important responsibilities in the past. Strengthen what remains and is about to die.” Of course this verse primarily refers to the spiritual state of the church in Sardis but we could also apply it to any church or individual. While visiting Paul he got sick and almost died, although Paul is not specific about what his illness was. Five or six years ago we connected with David Penley, a professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas who also pastored in Pennsylvania many years earlier. Perhaps they felt just a little responsible for his imprisonment, because in bringing the gospel to them and others, he was going contrary to the Jews, the Romans and just about everybody else.

(I suppose we get pretty used to seeing the Amish doing field work although it was nice to get a big friendly wave as we passed.). After the battle of Philippi in 42 BC, the victors settled a number of veterans in the city and gave them fertile land to farm (Strabo, Geography 7, fr. 2. I mean, he compliments Epaphroditus. 4:3). He must have been characterized by dependability and caring, two ministry traits that aren’t necessarily sought after but when you get right down to it it’s the kind of people that bless us in the long run! He had been to the city, fellowshipped with the saints, and ministered to them on at least three occasions and one of his travelling co-workers, Dr. Luke, had some association with this city. So be cautious and slow to point a finger.

Campolo tells about a study conducted with people over the age of 95 where each was asked what they would do differently if they were given the opportunity to live life over again. Now we really don’t know if there were any long-term effects or changes Epaphroditus experienced as he recovered from his near deadly illness. He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me. Have you trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and do you know the assurance of sins forgiven and the guarantee of a home in Heaven? “Each Step I Take” by Elmo Mercer. And then Paul says, “he was my minister.“ This man was a big help to Paul, getting things – and getting things done, which Paul could not do. So Epaphroditus suffered and nearly died through some disease – but eventually he pulled through. Isaiah 41:13 In the course of life we meet friends in a variety of ways. He would write a letter to the church at Philippi about their fellowship in the gospel (1:5), being of one mind and having the mind of Christ (2:1-11), and have it directed at these two sisters who did not get along.

Are you okay with that? 1992   Roman Provincial Coinage. March of 2011 when the Penleys visited our Amish friends. 58; 325, fig.

We dine on the same Spiritual food, and we are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. Why did Epaphroditus make Scripture? Epaphroditus, the gambling veteran, bet all that he had and he hit the jackpot. The church at Philippi was his family. How do I get ahead?” Paul, Epaphroditus, and the Philippian believers’ attitude is a stark contrast to the mindset of so many in our own generation. 2:25). If they could go back and do it again, these elderly folks said they would –, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD, Stewardship, the Shrewd Manager and Heavenly Rewards. Listen to us read this message on your audio player. God is now using them in ways they might otherwise never have anticipated. Over lunch, as we visited with them in May, we admired their brave determination to forge ahead; improvising as needed and exploring unfamiliar territory as the Lord leads them.

He is depicted as a young man dressed in a purple garment, holding what appears to be a scroll. I’m going to read it straight through, and I want you to actively listen and see if you can tell any difference about how Paul writes about Timothy and how he writes about Epaphroditus. That disease might be given in order to teach someone else that they need a Saviour. So simple, yet so profound. Pp. First, he was a brother to the Apostle Paul. Lessons from the Life of Epaphroditus. Discerning Faith – Good Books, Takeaways, Stories & Lessons Learned. John 1:12). The people in the assembly at Philippi who were worried about him would rejoice when they saw him again.

1983   Word Biblical Commentary. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. Waco, TX: Word Books.

Epaphroditus faithfully delivered the gift from his home church and then went above and beyond the call of duty. Gifts are tax deductible. Remember that the measure of a man is not how many servants he has, but how many people he serves. Post was not sent - check your email addresses!

Read message … Continue reading “In This”, “The LORD will fulfill His purpose for me” (Psalm 138:8). The reason I bring all this up is because I sense a little of this relationship when I read the passage in Philippians 2, the only time in Scripture where Epaphroditus is mentioned. But perhaps we may also need to make a circular impact by giving back to those who initially invested in our lives. It’s then I turn and look up to my Saviour, I am strong when He is by my side.” Since You promise never to leave us nor forsake us, help us to remember that we never walk this journey alone, but we take each step by faith with You at our side. If Epaphroditus and his friends made this trip during the winter, he might have picked up pneumonia, or he could have eaten tainted food at one of the inns. He was also the person who delivered the Philippian church’s care package and stayed to help with the ministry Paul was carrying on from prison. How grateful we are to be Your children. Yes, I want the Patheos Evangelical Newsletter as well, Identity Politics vs. Transactional Politics. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your … Continue reading “A Me […], “You will be like an oak with fading leaves” (Isaiah 1:30). Each time they gave sacrificially out of their poverty (II Cor.

We are not doing it right. One man spoke up: “Yeah, we remember him well.

Epaphroditus probably was some sort of preacher, but let’s say for the sake of argument that he had not been given that gift. He says, “everyone looks out for their own interests.” The context is that Paul is talking about other ministers. But finally his Philippian visitor revived, and Paul’s joy was even higher than before. Paul was very appreciative and indicates his sincere love for Epaphroditus by writing that his death would have brought him great sorrow. He was preparing for his defense before Nero and he also had a person with a near fatal sickness on his hands who may have also been homesick (“… since he was longing for you all” Phil. After hearing of his imprisonment, the Philippian church put together some kind of a care package to assist with Paul’s needs. Columbus, OH: Lutheran Book Concern. Let's open our Bibles for our time in God's Word this morning again to Philippians chapter 2. Then we learned that David had endured a severe health crisis that nearly took his life in January of 2013. Epaphroditus blessed many in his generation, although we might never have heard of him had he not been afflicted. One day he pulled his horse to a stop and began to talk to him.

I suspect if you’re like me the answer is yes, I could do more. It’s great as you get older not only to keep friends from your younger years but to keep adding to your collection along life’s way. Paul’s spirit may have reached lower depths than even before. 2:1-5).

Did you have any meaningful conversations? Paul made a pun on Epaphroditius’ name. The church assembled, possibly in the house of Lydia or the Philippian jailer, and Epaphroditus began to share with them Paul’s condition and state of mind. You can even hear the distinct sound of an old lp record in this recording. Failing to learn from your failures makes you a failure.

Their lives are filled with major transition due to his physical challenges but they’re both overcoming in faith and exploring how God may use them in this uncharted season of life. Philippians is the only place where we find him. Today’s Suggested Music and Supplemental Resources, “The Benefits of Adversity (My Grace is Sufficient for You)”, To receive the “Daily Encouragement” each Monday-Friday through email see, . The Apostle Paul saw a win-win situation. In response to the “Macedonian Call”, they went to Philippi and planted a church in that city (Acts 16:9-40). There were no checks back then, no electronic funds transfers, no Western Union. The ministry of Paul and his co-worker Timothy, was so effective that “all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks” (19:10). Mr. Kraft said that he began making cheese and selling it out of the back of an old wagon.

London: Religious Tract Society. Teach middle schoolers. Paul concludes this section by stating that Epaphroditus risked his life “to supply what was lacking in your service toward me” (2:30).

Proud member What to do? You want to change the world, but you want the world to watch you do it. He said, “Remember sergeant Felix?” A muffled laugh was given out by some of the retired Praetorian guards.

Therefore I sent him the more eagerly, that when you see him again you may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful. • NIV Bible is … There is a member of the Inland Empire Philatelic Society who doesn’t get the respect he deserves. Must I not stem the flood? 4:15; cf. Not exactly the flashy roles like missionary or pastor.

And that might have been without the slightest trace of any miracle. My search led me to the work of Tony Campolo, a sociology professor and religious advisor to former president Bill Clinton. Fortunately for both Epaphroditus and Paul, God was merciful and intervened in the situation by healing Epaphroditus. Certainly more important than to be an ambassador of Belize or Rwanda. “But I have received everything in full and have an abundance; I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.


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