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I digress…. DON’T GIVE UP BEFORE THE MIRACLE!!! Simplifying it, creating a mythology that people can believe in and rally around.". Nobody here wants to mix state and religion, nobody is protesting that. Brett: Our stance is that our entire capitalist system is built on a bedrock of White supremacy, and as White folks we have access to spaces that people of color don’t. Sounds like an ABSCAM-like sting operation to me. So, in order to address capitalism, in order to address economics, the issue of systemic racism first has to be addressed.

We know the FBI is totally political, our State AG – nasty Nessel – is completely anarchist left, and Hitmer adores Biden and his party.

The way Guy Gordon “defended” the FBI, made me realize that this is probably all phony & made up to hurt Trump’s re-election chances! Ariel said she has spent the past year trying to come to terms with her father's death and how it has been mythologized by both the right and the left. "This is one of the few cases where it appears," Jones said, "that someone was being proactive and potentially plotting an attack.". " Xicano said. Except kidnapping a governor?

If you can take the blinders off, you’ll see that … your comfort is still built on a system of White supremacy. "I always used to tell people who didn't know my dad that he was cooler than I was.". Many antifa groups focus primarily on "doxxing," identifying and exposing far-right extremists in the police, military and other positions of power. They did a lot of herbalism for their medicine," Ariel said. "Part of that was self-protection and then part of it was: How could he do this?" "And we kind of agreed to disagree about that and still love each other. He’s an anarchist who hates government and police. Indeed. So what happens? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ", Xicano said he was moved by how van Spronsen, a European immigrant, stood up for Latino immigrants by "making the ultimate sacrifice. The lawmakers asked for evidence on who's pushing campaigns in Idaho, North Carolina and other states about "apparently nonexistent Antifa gatherings and 'invasions.' 4) Republican If the polls are correct. But it makes our practice better.

She said she didn't say anything because she didn't see any harm to her brother, who was around 10 at the time, but she remembered thinking that it was "a little much for him to process at his age.". Chris crooked Wray to the rescue again. They’ll say things like, “I pulled myself up by my bootstraps” or “My grandfather started his own business.”. Let this be a lesson to all you wanna-be cowboy “patriots” out there. yes it is ..Germany-1930-1932 anarchists,commies,socialists,antifa…against anticommunists all flavors….. Ariel said. Could someone please explain the difference–if any–between today’s FBI and the former East German Stasi and Soviet KGB? “Guy Gordon” sounds like a Canadian nom de plume Are they trying to get more listeners from Windsor?!

So how can you be in this neighborhood and be like, ‘This is what America stands for’? This Is Idiotic On It’s Face.. “Right-Wing” Militia Group’s Don’t Use “Left-Wing” Iconography.

"What I really wanted is for him to be a regular person who gets divorced and is a good dad.". the actual Michigan militia has been infiltrated since the mid 1990’s. “Furthermore, it’s against all people of color because this neighborhood [is] first-generation Somali, first-generation people form sub-Saharan Africa who are fleeing abject poverty and warfare, starvation, disease. arrested at the same ICE facility in 2018 in connection with assaulting an officer. Being on the water was an escape, Ariel said — from the debate over her father's legacy and her own struggle to reconcile his lessons about peace with the violent way his life ended. Looks like there is an attempt to spin this leftist violence to be “right wing” somehow. (Hows That For Trusting The Science) The “Trained-Marxists” Know Just How To Exploit These Dupe’s. They were a bunch of looks. They hear the word “redneck” and they don’t see it through the [same] lens that we do.

He wrote that he was "a joyful revolutionary," motivated by love, by a desire to be "useful. The same playground where he takes his child. The attacker himself, van Spronsen.

"You can't possibly be ready for something like that," she said. Gun Tips w/ Red & Black. And I want to say it’s our own fault, but we do things very intentionally. Of course the corrupt Dem Detroit media did label them militia. Would an agency that was “stacked”” by Hillary Clinton & the Obama administration, seeing that the Democrats are losing, NOT try something like this? Aaron laughed as he recalled how frustrated he'd get with van Spronsen when the two of them — the efficient former union organizer and the free-spirited musician — were passing out pamphlets to introduce the club to Seattle's bustling activist community.

Van Spronsen's friends said they wished he had lived to see that moment: the gun club serving as the As McMinimee put it: "We're nobody's secret girlfriend.". I also found it curious how no ages were given that I could find in any article, and the only picture I could find was of Caserta. The caller tried to tell Guy Gordon that the FBI investigation should be suspect because of what they did to Trump & Guy Gordon just LOST IT! But one of the most prominent was the Michigan Liberty Militia, which is famously racist and famously exclusionary.

Another part of it is creating spaces inside of communities [where we can] help people not rely on the state.

This is so absurd, only the FBI could come up with it! And if your idea is better, then we’ll incorporate your idea. Recruit No. How do you describe your politics? He sent versions of it to other close friends and family members — "those burdened by the wreckage of my actions." Why anyone would want to take her with them is beyond me. I predicted this months ago when I brought up Cesar Soyoc. The FBI can’t (or won’t) do much about REALL terrorism–for instance, like Islamic terrorists, BLM terrorists and Antifa terrorists–but they are ALL OVER groups like these knuckleheads. Armed with a semiautomatic rifle, authorities say, It’s hard to get people out of that mindset. "I was mad that he ended it. That guy in the video has an antifa flag behind him. Soooo, they pulled this ridiculous (entrapment) case out of their bums, while at the same time hoping to vilify “militias” as dangerous “white supremacists”. Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info: Allam was part of McClatchy teams that won an Overseas Press Club award for exposing death squads in Iraq and a Polk Award for reporting on the Syrian conflict. If the FBI was not political, they simply wouldn’t be seen taking a knee to express their political alignment with far-left causes: From the FBI involvement in attempted election interference in 2015 and 2016; to their 2017/2018 efforts to overthrow the U.S. presidency of Donald Trump; to the 2018 Caesar Sayoc case, a transparently self-interested attempt to sway the 2018 mid-term election and protect themselves from further investigation; to the FBI involvement in the 2019 SWAT arrest of Roger Stone; to the 50 FBI agents who worked with Andrew Weissmann and Robert Mueller on the special counsel operation… all the way to this announcement today, everything the FBI does is wrapped in their political ideology. I doubt I could stand to be in the same room with her for more than five minutes. So that’s why it’s celebrated; that’s why it’s important. via @BreitbartNews, — Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) October 8, 2020, .

Still, she had no hint, she said, of what he was planning in secret. "He expressed his love for me and hoped that I would understand his actions," she said. You have to acknowledge that as a White person in America, you are benefitting from White supremacy. speaking of Wray, I believe you meant “should have been GONE already. But in time, Aaron said, he saw how van Spronsen's personal touch helped win over other activists who opposed guns and who had watched the club's formation with a degree of suspicion. Ariel said her father saw the conflict as doing irreparable damage to his relationship with his son. Recent developments in the case had left van Spronsen devastated, she said. This is what all of the recent questions and NARRATIVE on white supremacy and militias was all about. In the early 2000s, Ariel said, her dad married for the fourth time and had a son. Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. 5)Democrat Anybody watch the latest season of “Bosch” on Prime? Sounds to me more like these are part of the John Brown Gun Club (or something affiliated, or similar): I mean, we have people from all political stripes. Your comfort and the things that you’re enjoying are a byproduct of 150 years of working-class struggle. Displayed on the grass were some of van Spronsen's belongings: a John Brown T-shirt, military-green tactical gear, anti-cop buttons. Gov Hitmer is the devil. Van Spronsen once described it to friends as a "personal hell.". Members of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club hold a memorial service for Willem van Spronsen on July 28, 2019, at the site where he was killed by … Chris Wray’s Predictive Programming Comes Into Play.. It’s The “White Nationalists” & “White-Supremacist Trump Supporters” That Can’t Except The Election Results.. I don’t deny they should have been involved or made these arrests. He also had flares; police say he placed one underneath a 500-gallon propane tank.


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