how to write a biopsychosocial paper
She died accidentally by falling off a building roughly one month ago. He then described enjoying the feeling so he continued this with three more crows. Another option would be some pharmacotherapy for anxiety. She also started compulsively binge eating and has gained over thirty pounds.

VAT Registration No: 842417633. I can remember playing doctor with my siblings and reenacting trauma scenes from what I have seen on T.V.

He was not permitted, per their custody agreement, to take Katherine across state lines to his home in NC.

The writer feels this would have an impact on Gonzo as he still has slight insight of his illness because of the connotations linked to the most developed stage of this condition. Psychosocial Assessment - Example File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Revised2 SP-12. Stroke is known to step up the risk of dementia and to advance the onset of degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s disease (Bridges J, 2005). When witnessing Katherine’s one on one play with her therapist, she will play out scenarios where she uses a stuffed animal that gets attacked by another animal. He is irritable and aggressive with his friends and family, he also demonstrated his anger during our session. Katherine’s sisters immediately reported their discomfort about her advances to their mother, who confronted Katherine’s father with the ultimatum to place Katherine in treatment or have them move out. She likes creating bonds with her peers and adults. It will give a brief and relevant history about the patient.

At the moment he attends a day centre where he used to play table tennis when he first attended but now he cannot even raise the bat. Her family is low-middle socioeconomic class and lives where the nearest neighbor is out of walking distance. The stigma attached to the term dementia leaves patients with this diagnosis being seen as no longer having any psychological needs leading on to patients using behaviour to communicate unmet needs.

Woods and Clare (2007) highlighted that the sense of self is known to be threatened by the disintegration as a result from symptoms and loss of functioning, loss of social networks and reduced personal interactions. He says that he is “too smart” for most people to understand. Katherine is of average intelligence and in the sixth grade; she repeated the fifth grade because of excessive absences from school. It will describe the term ‘biopsychosocial’ and how it is related to holistic care with specific reference to Dementia. callback: cb Katherine lacks the capacity to trust in adults and often fears that they will leave or harm her. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare?

Also providing psycho-education on connecting feelings of anxiety to hair pulling behaviors and outbursts would help her get control of those feelings. I also think that having the group process is important to give Katherine a chance to practice her treatment goals with her peers.

The referring therapist was concerned because she had a session with him where he tried to psychoanalyze his sister, friends, and father rather than talking about himself or his own problems. The client’s prognosis is fair if he follows the above treatment plan. Dennis has no other known mental health diagnosis. Identify the kind of information you will need from each source.

For instance Gonzo has already started avoiding his friends and feels his wife is already taking control of his life. However Mittelman et al, 2006, indicated that living at home has some positive advantages for the person with dementia yet a nursing home placement has been reported to create a more confused state. The client says that “she was horrible” anyway and was only concerned about her money when she died. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on

In situations like this it is best to provide patients with home care or day care packages or respite so as to give their carers a break. His affect is appropriate. Katherine smiles and laughs easily and often. His thought process was coherent.

Reference this. Clinical data of present illness She repeated the fifth grade with few problems she excelled at her work and quietly kept to herself until she started going through puberty. He owns a bar and drink’s at least five drinks daily.

In H. G. Kaduson & C. E. Schaefer (Eds.)

It has been indicated that the declining of cognition maybe a precursor to people with dementia as they will come to experience changes in their cognition, language, behaviour and personality limiting their daily functioning (Warren M, 2008). When you are writing one of these it is important to follow the mental health assessment format. Free resources to assist you with your university studies!

As a little girl I have always wanted to be in the medical field. listeners: [], { Free resources to assist you with your nursing studies! window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { When the client was ten years old he snapped a crow’s neck. The client reports that he does not have any medical problems. Health psychology deals with the physical health in association with the psychological health.

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His marriage was impulsive and brief and he describes never actually having feelings for her. Client has been working at the same job for the past 16 years. Play therapy has proven significantly useful into gaining insight for many of her externalized behaviors (Riviere, 2006). (2009). PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT----EXAMPLE---EXAMPLE---EXAMPLE. Katherine spoke with him on the phone about every other week and he sent gifts for holidays and her birthday, when he would try to visit his daughter, his ex-wife would make other plans or no show up on the agreed upon time. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.

The following is an abbreviated example of a BPS Assessment to demonstrate the basic components ... What is the Biopsychosocial Model?

Katherine says that the discomfort of pulling out the hair distracts her from unpleasant thoughts from her earlier childhood. Her biological father was angered by the arrangement and he moved back to his hometown in North Carolina in Alexander County. For the purpose of discussion, the essay will focus on an individual with early onset dementia and will discuss biopsychosocial factors affecting this client group and the prognosis of the condition. It is imperative to look at the patient as a whole when caring for patients as it entails embracing the spiritual, social, emotional, physical and intellectual needs during assessments and treatment as they are necessary to all human beings as indicated by Clarke and Walsh (2009). She gets group therapy with the peers she lives with and individual sessions with an LCSW. However, it is not always a steady source of income.

She rarely expresses violence toward her peers or herself in the placement facility. With regards to the trichotillomania, it is classified as an impulse control disorder (as is binge eating) in the DSM-IV. It will describe the term ‘biopsychosocial’ and how it is related to holistic care with specific reference to Dementia. You can view samples of our professional work here. Her father started her in individual cognitive behavior therapy and she got in-school treatment as part of her school schedule. No family members were injured while she was destroying property, but she occasionally threatened to hurt them with pieces of the destruction. This caused multiple suspensions and Katherine was placed in alternative school to finish the year. However Jacoby stated that the risk of dementia progression increases as people get older with increasing social isolation and minimum contact with friends and relatives.

(2000). She will hoard large amounts of food in her bedroom and when she feels like she has enough she will engage in a binge. Katherine has sleep disturbances where she has nightmares reliving the trauma. Katherine’s father agreed to place her in residential treatment after she tried to sexually engage with her younger stepsisters and caused thousands of dollars in property damage after destroying various furniture in the home. Sociology is the understanding of the world we live and aspects of human behaviour (Haralambos et al, 2000).

Nursing Essay His father and sister drink roughly the same amount of alcohol as he does.

Previous to admission, Katherine lived with her father, stepmother, and two younger stepsisters, ages 9 and 7. I chose the posttraumatic stress disorder because of the behaviors that started because of her sexual abuse experience and chronic neglect (American Psychological Association, 2000). Already he had started avoiding his friends and relatives.

Another beneficial element to the group therapy approach for this client is building a feeling of solidarity in being a sexual abuse survivor with other child survivors in the group.

When cognition has been affected it means the physical wellbeing will also suffer in the sense that people would end up not attending to their activities of daily living and eventually basic activities (Gross and Kinnison, 2007).

(function() { The majority of the therapy will be individual. The client is an outspoken atheist and was not raised with any particular culture or religion. This is not an example of the work produced by our Nursing Essay Writing Service. The client has no known history of head injuries or whiplash. After speaking with his family and friends they say been concerned about him since he was about that old.

She also has some intrusive thoughts where she fanaticizes about killing her mother or abusers.

How would you state the client’s dilemma in easily ( Log Out /  These early stages have been described to be very painful by Gonzo as he is aware of the painful changes (Balfour, 2006). Katherine sometimes would ask if she could come live with him, but her mother would usually take the phone from her if she asked that questions and she wouldn’t be allowed to talk to him for weeks at a time. F60.2 Antisocial Personality Disorder.

For example Gonzo had already expressed that he would not want to end his life in an institution but he had been lacking some of those social interactions other spending more time with his wife.

I would consider referring the client for a psychiatric evaluation. According to Dilts (2001), in life there is ample evidence which suggests that the loss of confidentiality, public’s view and knowledge, perception, isolation and discrimination from social interaction has harmful effects to humans.

However Mittelman et al, 2006, indicated that living at home has some positive advantages for the person with dementia yet a nursing home placement has been reported to create a more confused state. This could help reduce her constant feeling of anxiety and allow her develop coping skills to self-regulate her emotions. Neurotransmitters’ activity in turn affects how the individual processes information in turn may affect behaviour as indicated by his physical aggression towards his wife. Through reading his notes I found that due to the progression of his condition his wife started managing the finances of the business but he felt like she was taking over. In view of the above I have learnt that biopsychosocial and holistic care all play an important role in healthcare and should use them when carrying out patients’ assessments as they focus on the needs and presentations of an individual without leaving any aspect of need as it may affect the actual reason why people respond the way they do. This post offers an example of a clinical assessment and mental health treatment plan examples for that assessment.

Whereas this would be including the holistic care that would meet all the needs of an individual.

Furthermore the psychiatric needs of patients with dementia not only do they affect the individual with the condition. In order to relieve some of the distress Katherine experienced by being in public, Katherine would wear a wig. 1st Jan 1970


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