dto vs viewmodel web api
It is intended to send raw data. Watch for having your Core.Entites or similar namespace being used in your DTO class definitions. It allows you to combine your model as and ORM very simply. Depending on whether I’m letting the user perform this work using plain MVC or via an API, I will create ViewModel or ApiModel types that map to the operations the user can perform. DTO - Data Transfer Objects are exactly as it says, containers for transferring data. Similar: Transfer data in a record (object instance, perhaps serialized) to a receiver, whether a view or a service. DDD - which layer DTO should be implemented, Where does DTOS as InputModel / ViewModel Fit in Layered Archicture, Author has published a graph but won't share their results table. That's a huge break in SRP, and will absolutely lead to spaghetti as the application grows.

Using Swagger, you can support an endpoint on your web application that will provide an interactive view of all of your public API endpoints and their expected data signatures. because i think it is even worse if you have a ViewModel that contains a DTO, we will have the same problem. For example, you're developing an e-Commerce site. Second, Using DTO as a ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC make your application tightly coupled to DTO and that's exactly the opposite purpose of using DTO. You are better off with the way you are doing it now because you are sending in and returning exactly what you need, meaning it is as efficient as possible. Example: I create some model using entity framework database first. Each one serves its purpose and there shouldn't be too much overlap. Oh well, now you have to do the work. asp.net-mvc - practices - web api dto vs viewmodel. any hacker can post with a different id, and effect other peoples records. It makes for clean layers but you spend to much time mapping.

The first approach is correct. What is the difference between MVC and MVVM? Learn more about kinds of models here. Do you think it is wrong to use DTOs in this case.

Which is the correct approach using ViewModel and DTO in MVC. Tuning the lowest bass string a hair flat. the id is a simple int passed to the view. You can just look for this during code reviews,pull requests, etc., or you can create a rule in a tool likeNDependthat will warn you if such a reference is found in classes that match a certain naming convention or belong to a particular namespace. Completely new to indoor cycling, is there a MUCH cheaper alternative to power meter that would be compatible with the RGT app? What if you added a new column to the database?

Using models dedicated to your front end once again avoids this issue. So yes, it seems like a lot of work, but you're preserving proper layering. I just installed VS 2012 and looked at there MVC 4 Single Page Application. Another reason to avoid referencing domain model types from your DTOs and ViewModels/APIModels is serialization. DO => Domain Object; DTO = Domain Transfer Object; VM => View Model; V => View; Option 1: DL => DO => BL => DTO => PL => VM => V This option seems to be the Best Practice but also seems heavy to mantain. What you have is fine. In fact, I don't even allow the underlying data model to leave the access layer boundary (usually a repository), whether it be EF, objects made for dapper, or otherwise. Bruce, Can you give me the example please!! +1 for differentiating between ASP.NET MVC ViewModel and MVVM ViewModel. Given your familiarity with this text, aren't the ViewModels used in ASP.NET MVC the same as DTOs? I recommend using F# records to define DTOs. By using separate API models, you can ensure that your API is as simple as possible, making your consumers’ lives easier. It's OK to pass the DTO to the view. He can even use Mocking tool or manual mocking to fill the presentation layer with data for test. Couldn’t be better. If the server-side code isn’t written carefully, it might silently accept whatever the user sends and then persist it to the data store using simple EF commands like Add() and SaveChanges(). Difference: A View Model is intended to be sent to a View, where it will be displayed, with formatting. We can use DTO same as Model class and we can use viewmodel when we needs to show/use multiple models data/property in a single view. In any event, they should not directly reference types from your domain model, which will consist primarily of entities and value objects (see DDD Fundamentals for more on these concepts). http://blog.jpboodhoo.com/CommentView,guid,21fe23e7-e42c-48d8-8871-86e65bcc9a50.aspx. the id is a simple int passed to the view. so DTO's can just be structs (or is a class that should mimic the capabilities of a struct)? You don't want that auto generated.

I find that AutoMapper actually helps me in remembering to handle added/changed properties. ViewModels are the model of the view. The view can be a web page, a windows/wpf form, or an API endpoint. ASP.NET MVC 3-Partial vs Display Template vs Editor Template. Why sister [nouns] and not brother [nouns]? Well, then end users could potentially access the full state of the Test entity. Thank you. The bonus is that you will probably start exploring F# more if you haven't already. I shared DTOs between layers this last project.

You could use automapper, but I feel it makes it more complicated.

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The canonical definition of a DTO is the data shape of an object without any behavior. By the way, NHibernate projections come in handy if a certain viewmodel needs a subset of the data from a persisted object.

Can we use only DTO instead of ViewModel? Make sure your property data types are, themselves, DTOs (or ViewModels or ApiModels, etc.). This is especially true for immutable value objects, which should always take in their state at construction time. The hidden approach is not secure unless you also encrypt the value.

Seems about right for an api. DTO: generic term for a bag of properties intended to move data from here to there. Suggestions for braking with severe osteoarthritis in both hands. My form or my published API documentation might say that only the Name and Description should be passed in, but a malicious user might be able to guess at my underlying model and realize they can also create Authors (or modify things on Authors, like their roles) and Exercises. Now in my web project, I need a way for an admin user to add a new test to the system, or update one that already exists. Sometimes a DTO could be seen as an anemic model. The view can be a web page, a windows/wpf form, or an API endpoint. If you’re organizing your application following Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design, with your Core domain model in one project that is referenced by your UI and Infrastructure projects, you should be careful what you expose in your client-facing models. That includes data in and data out. This can get rather ugly and DTOs simplify this process. How should be my DTO object for ASP.Net MVC View? Wrong, really. It's also OK for the ViewModel to reference the DTO as a complex property. As far as tools go, I've tried many. No conflation of responsibilities. Not that it's suggested, but you can return anonymous types from your controllers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. A common scenario would be to add links. Now your domain AND presentation layer would be broken. For me it is a balance between quickness (using DTO, since I already have 'em) and flexibility (creating ViewModels means more separation of concerns). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. It all depends on your usage but so long as you are not modifying entity behavior to fulfill requirements of the API you should be fine.


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