badass words reddit

It can be a pretty frustrating, right? No matter how enormous the rocks they stacked on Giles, it's evident he was carrying the largest stones in the room before he even walked in. Tom Ketchum was a thief, a murderer and worst of all a "morning person." Chief Sitting Bull deserves double credit in this entry because he was also responsible for Custer's reputedly hilarious last words of "Hurrah, Boys! – blueshran, I was accused of being passive-aggressive. She kept putting it off every semester, and one day she got angry at me trying to get her to actually go back, not just talk about it, and she yelled “Rome wasn’t built in a day!” And I responded, “yeah, but it was built.” And a decade later I still think of that. Last Words Of: Che Guevara, revolutionary. To be remembered after our passing is the closest thing humans have to immortality, at least until cryogenics figures out how to reanimate Walt Disney's head. My mom came to see my kids in the middle of battling stage 4 lung cancer. Did Jason tell you that I am dying?”, My mom looked right at her, smiled and said “Me too, dear. At a party a few years back, someone stole my friend’s purse. Copyright ©2005-2020. HINT: Check out the short word lists like “Popular 3 Letter Words”. In 1890 the US Department of Extracting Blood From a Stone sent officials after Sitting Bull, out of fear he was going to stir up resistance among the Sioux in the area. Voltaire was a famous essayist, deist and apparently smartass. "ischyrós" which means "strong" in Greek. and his fate would have been sealed well enough. It's why he had such tremendous verve despite his hanging being so early in the day. Last Words Of: Tallulah Bankhead, actress. I run straight into him.

– jasonm71. Reddit. r/iamverybadass: People trying too hard to appear tough. This thread is archived. Last Words Of: James French, convicted murderer. Kerfuffle, snafu, fubar, purpley, purplier, purpliest. I can't think of any badass ones, but I can think of a few fun ones. He issued the above statement and somebody started shooting and things went downhill from there. So who is the "enemy" he's talking about in the above quote? Synthetic, gastric, quantum, telekinesis, palladium. 13 Badass German Words We Really Need in English. Concordia University in Michigan's Acronym Merch Is An Internet Mystery For The Ages, The Year The World Was 'Terrorized' By Scary Clowns (It Was 2016), It's Nicolas Cage vs Chuck E. Cheese In 'Willy's Wonderland', Insane $20 Million Deal Got Forced To Be Decided By Rock Paper Scissors. What are some 'badass' words? #11. Let's get these last few reds then head on back to camp. I guess repatriation is kind of badass.

I was wheeling a stack of drums out to our loading dock, navigating pretty much purely on instinct since I couldn’t see over or around them. I don’t ever want to come across as passive.” – kezopster. They were memes way before the internet started circulating pictures with words on them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Sorry, Governor Zack Morris Is Probably A Republican, The Audience Could Once Wrestle Bears At Basketball Games, Reminder: The 11 Most Badass Last Words Ever Uttered, The 5 Historical Figures Who Died the Strangest Deaths, The 6 Most Badass Stunts Ever Pulled In the Name of Science, The 9 Most Badass Last Words Ever Uttered: Part 2. 9 comments.

Upon hearing that letters were sent to the Illinois governor requesting clemency on his behalf, he wrote his own letter asserting those wishes be ignored. I’m also a pretty small person (like, “they don’t make clothes at Old Navy in my size” small). save hide report. Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. Worth it. Another "cool" tetragram (at least for me) is tyro.. If the guy you're executing thinks you're taking too long, you need to rethink the process. Or consider sourcing a shorter alternative word as a starting point, if you’re stuck for ideas try a Thesaurus. Maybe they landed a winning verbal blow in an altercation with a significant other, landed a significant other, savagely dealt with an annoying workplace situation, or otherwise managed to diffuse a tense situation using only words. The thing is, a lot of famously badass quotes from heroic movie and TV characters are actually pretty stupid, when you think about them.

"Tough love" was pretty new back then and clearly had some refining left. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You know that moment when you can’t find the word to describe what’s happening.

According to colonial law, a person who refused to plead innocent or guilty of a crime could not be tried. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Seriously. I work in waste management. "desolatus aliorum" which means "isolated" in Latin. – Jokulgoblin, “Go wait with mommy- daddy might be going back to jail again”. share. They somehow didn’t realize it was about them specifically and passed the comment up the food chain, which ended up resulting in the entire company changing their payroll system to paperless, globally. Or how you feel. Giles Corey, knowing he wouldn't be afforded a fair trial, challenged every plea request with the above "More weight," as in, "add more stones." I’m surrounded by everyone in shipping, some pretty big dudes, and I feel amazingly embarrassed. Add to Favorites. Everyone burst out laughing and the guy even opened the door to the dock for me. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. – asgardian_superman. While the adult male body is composed of about 50 percent water, Che replaced nearly all of that with equal parts "myth" and "legend." There is ample debate as to whether these were his true final words. When he heard me say that he RAN out of the store. Faced with 43 members of the Indian Affairs police, Sitting Bull refused to leave with them.

Copyright © 2005-2020. You may know the term "Hoosier" (meaning people from Indiana) from that Gene Hackman movie about the basketball team. I knock through the last few questions, and the final one which I ask is “What do you perceive the future to hold?”, She replies “I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner tonight, I have no idea what the future holds.”, So I say “Well, if you don’t know what you’re having for dinner, do you want to have dinner with me?”, She laughed, said yes, and though we only hooked up that night, I still look back on that day as one of the best dating stories I’ve had yet. Last Words Of: Tom "Black Jack" Ketchum, convicted murderer. – Reesicle, I worked at a book store and a customer asked me “How often do the periodicals come out?” I deadpanned “Periodically.” and he asked to speak to my manager. I leaned around the drums to look at the guy I hit, and without even thinking, said, “the fuck you want me to do, see through ‘em?”.

For more on the subjects of death and badassery, read up on The 5 Historical Figures Who Died the Strangest Deaths and The 6 Most Badass Stunts Ever Pulled In the Name of Science.


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